Why You Need To Learn About Spiritual Journeys
Welcome aboard on a spiritual journey! You might be wondering what a spiritual journey is. Well, it really is the most exciting of all journeys and it is better than all the other journeys combined. I hope to tell you here the way you can start your spiritual journey. But first let us know what a spiritual journey is.
A spiritual journey may be known by comparing it with other kinds of journeys. Allow us to compare it with physical and mental journeys.
In a physical journey we have a physical destination. It doesn't matter how near or how far that destination is. There's a place, a physical destination where a journey will end. It may be the next town, or even the next country, a town halfway around the globe, or the next planet, or maybe a far away star. Regardless of what it really is, there's a physical destination.
In a mental journey there is also a destination. Our mind will come to dwell on something. It may very well be the ideas of wise men who lived centuries before us, like Socrates or Aristotle. Our mind will travel to the time when they had these ideas. It is a destination in time, back to the time of the men and women who produced the ideas that we want to dwell on.
In a physical journey we need to have a physical means to get to our destination. It may be our feet, a bicycle, an automobile, a train, a boat or perhaps an airplane, or possibly a rocket plane or possibly a combination of the of these. We include also click through the up coming document food while we have been in the or that kind of transportation.
In a mental journey we need also to have mental means to get to our mental destination. This usually consists of our brain, our mind, our imagination, our emotions, the books around us, the people who knew the men whose ideas we want our mind to come to.
Furthermore in a physical and mental journey we must have a purpose why we want to get there, even when it's just to satisfy our curiosity, just to see the place or feel the feelings of those men linked to a story or drama.
And when we embark upon a journey for the first time we must have a guide, either someone from whom we can ask ideas about our destination as well as the means to get there, or one whom shall go along with us like a tourist guide, or at least a map or written direction where to start, what transportation to take, the sign or signs that tell us we shall have reached our destination.
If you want to start your spiritual journey you may need to know these: your destination, the means to get there, the aim why you need to get there, a guide to aid you in getting there. Those are the aspects of a journey and they are present in a physical, mental, or spiritual journey.
The destination in a spiritual journey is the world of the spirits, and ultimately the Original Spirit himself. If the destination of a physical journey is a place, that of a mental journey ideas in time, the destination of a spiritual journey is a spiritual one, the world of the spirits and ultimately the Original Spirit from whom all came from.